This is one of our linen closets. This has shampoo, body wash, feminine products, soap, etc.
Bathroom drawer: Toothbrushes, kids toothpaste, makeup wipes
Food shelves and the chest freezer
I am just a stay home mom who is looking to be a good steward and a blessing to my family. I have a knack for finding good deals, so I created a spot to blog my finds so that my friends can get in on the money saving action!
Oh goodness. This is James' fear. I already have most of his side of under the sink filled with bottles and bottles of shampoo, deodorants and hair products. The drawers are full of razors and toothbrushes/toothpastes... we just don't have room for all of this stuff I'm getting such good deals on! Do you ever reach a point where you say "OK, I am not going to buy another bottle of shampoo until I use up some of what we have?" I have to do that with BOGO cereal.
I have gotten to the point w/ shampoo, cereal and cereal/granola bars that I wont buy anymore unless they are free. Then I will donate them. It does get overwhelming to have all of this "stuff."
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